基于红松人工林生物量实测数据,研究立木总生物量与各分项生物量(树干、树根、树枝和树叶)分配特征,以 及林木竞争对生物量分配的影响,并建立红松人工林立木总量与各分项的生物量模型。结果表明:叶生物量主要 集中在树冠中、下层且在中、下层的分布无显著差异,枝生物量从上层到下层逐渐增加;林木竞争强度与胸径、树 高、树冠比、树干、树枝、树叶和树根生物量呈显著幂函数关系,随着竞争强度的增大,胸径、树高、树冠比、树干、树 枝、树叶和树根生物量均逐渐减小(P 0.05),而根茎比并不受林木竞争强度的影响;树干生物量占总生物量的百 分比有减小的趋势,树枝、树叶生物量占总生物量的百分比有增大的趋势,树根生物量占总生物量百分比与竞争强 度无显著相关性;本文建立了立木总量与各分项生物量模型,所有模型都能对红松立木生物量进行很好的估计。
Based on data of tree biomass for Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) plantations, this study dealed with biomass allocation patterns and tree competition influences on biomass partitioning and biomass models of individual tree total and components (stem, root, branch and leaf) for Korean pine plantations. The results showed that: leaf biomass was highest in the middle and bottom layers of crown, while live branch biomass increased from top to bottom layer; diameter at breast height(DBH), tree height, crown ratio, stem, branch, leaf and root biomass all showed a significantly exponential correlation with tree competition intensity. DBH, tree height, crown ratio, stem, branch, leaf and root biomass all decreased with increasing competition intensity, and there was no significant relationship between competition intensity and root to shoot ratio. With increasing competition intensity, the percentage of stem biomass deceased, and the percentage of branch, leaf biomass increased. There was no significant relationship between competition intensity and the percentage of root biomass. In the paper, the total and different component biomass models were established. All models could be a good predict of the Korean pine biomass