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  • 中国科技核心期刊
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  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


谭勇, 李晓景, 何东进, 王韧, 蔡金标, 郑开基, 游巍斌, 张中瑞, 肖石红

谭勇, 李晓景, 何东进, 王韧, 蔡金标, 郑开基, 游巍斌, 张中瑞, 肖石红. 中国红树林天然分布北缘区不同起源秋茄热值特征研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(6): 55-60.
引用本文: 谭勇, 李晓景, 何东进, 王韧, 蔡金标, 郑开基, 游巍斌, 张中瑞, 肖石红. 中国红树林天然分布北缘区不同起源秋茄热值特征研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(6): 55-60.
TAN Yong, LI Xiao-jing, HE Dong-jin, WANG Ren, CAI Jin-biao, ZHENG Kai-ji, YOU Wei- bin, ZHANG Zhong-rui, XIAO Shi-hong. Characteristics of caloric values of Kandelia obovata among different origins in north marginal region of natural mangrove,eastern China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(6): 55-60.
Citation: TAN Yong, LI Xiao-jing, HE Dong-jin, WANG Ren, CAI Jin-biao, ZHENG Kai-ji, YOU Wei- bin, ZHANG Zhong-rui, XIAO Shi-hong. Characteristics of caloric values of Kandelia obovata among different origins in north marginal region of natural mangrove,eastern China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(6): 55-60.


Characteristics of caloric values of Kandelia obovata among different origins in north marginal region of natural mangrove,eastern China.

  • 摘要: 在测定红树林天然分布北缘区不同起源秋茄各器官干质量热值(GCV)的基础上,分析了不同起源秋茄红树 林热值器官差异和滩位差异、秋茄天然林热值的径级变化和纬度变化。结果表明:秋茄天然林各器官热值均高于 人工林,且各器官能量分配趋于均等,不同起源各器官热值顺序呈现出高度一致性,高低排序依次为叶、花、枝、树 墩、干、粗根、细根、中根。秋茄热值随滩位向外延伸呈现上升趋势,天然林热值对滩位的响应比人工林更为敏感。 从径级差异看,大致为径级越大,热值越高,径级郁热值 径级芋 径级玉 径级域,另外径级变化对秋茄不同器 官的影响程度不一。与其他纬度相比,红树林天然分布北缘区秋茄热值较其他纬度秋茄热值低,并且各器官间热 值差异不显著。
    Abstract: Based on determining the gross caloric values(GCV)of Kandelia obovata from different origins in north marginal region of natural mangrove wetlands, eastern China, the paper makes an analysis of the difference in caloric value among each organ and different intertidal positions of varied original K. obovata, and the changing law of caloric value with diameter class and latitude in natural forest. It came to conclusions that GCV among each organ of the K. obovata natural forests, trending to equal, was higher than that of plantation. High consistency in the order of caloric value of the various organs was emerged between natural and plantation K. obovata, which was leaf, flower, branch, stump, trunk, coarse root, fine root, medium root from the high to the low. Caloric value of K. obovata appeared upward trend with the extending outward of beach, and the trend of natural forests was more sensitive than that of plantations. In diameter class, the lager the diameter was, the higher the caloric value was(diameter ⅣⅢⅠⅡ). In addition, the change of diameter class made varying degrees of impact on each organ of K. obovata. Compared with latitudes in other region, the caloric value of natural K. obovata in north marginal region was lower, and also, the change of caloric value among various organs was not significant.
  • 期刊类型引用(12)

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  • 文章访问数:  1524
  • HTML全文浏览量:  190
  • PDF下载量:  82
  • 被引次数: 18
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-11-29


