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傅建平, 兰再平, 孙尚伟, 刘俊琴, 刘志仁

傅建平, 兰再平, 孙尚伟, 刘俊琴, 刘志仁. 滴灌条件下杨树人工林土壤水分变化规律研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(6): 61-66.
引用本文: 傅建平, 兰再平, 孙尚伟, 刘俊琴, 刘志仁. 滴灌条件下杨树人工林土壤水分变化规律研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(6): 61-66.
FU Jian-ping, LAN Zai-ping, SUN Shang-wei, LIU Jun-qin, LIU Zhi-ren. Dynamics of soil water content in poplar plantation cultivated with drip irrigation system[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(6): 61-66.
Citation: FU Jian-ping, LAN Zai-ping, SUN Shang-wei, LIU Jun-qin, LIU Zhi-ren. Dynamics of soil water content in poplar plantation cultivated with drip irrigation system[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(6): 61-66.


Dynamics of soil water content in poplar plantation cultivated with drip irrigation system

  • 摘要: 对北京市永定河故道沙地上地表滴灌栽培的杨树人工林土壤水分变化规律进行研究,在滴头流量恒定为4 L/ h 的条件下,采用土壤湿度传感器,试验并测定不同灌溉时长和停灌后土壤体积含水量的变化过程,揭示土壤体 积含水量与不同滴灌时长和停灌后不同时间的定量关系。结果表明:1)在连续滴灌6 h 过程中,土壤体积含水量的 变化过程大都呈现由快速上升到缓慢上升到趋于平稳的变化规律。2)连续滴灌1郾5、2.5 和5.5 h,可分别使土壤20 cm 深处距滴头水平距离20、30 和40 cm 处的土壤体积含水量达到田间持水量以上;连续滴灌2.5 和4.5 h,可分别 使土壤40 cm 深处,滴头正下方和距滴头水平距离20 cm 处的土壤体积含水量达到田间持水量以上。3)在不同时 长的灌溉后,当土壤体积含水量在停灌时就达到峰值时,停灌后呈现先快速下降后缓慢下降的变化规律;当土壤体 积含水量在停灌后6 h 才达到峰值时,达到峰值后则呈现持续缓慢下降的变化规律。4)连续滴灌2、3 和5 h,可分 别使土壤20 cm 深处距滴头水平距离20、30 和40 cm 处的土壤体积含水量在停灌后48 h 内保持在田间持水量的 80%以上;连续滴灌3、4 和6 h,可分别使土壤40 cm 深处,滴头正下方、距滴头水平距离20 和30 cm 处的土壤体积 含水量在停灌后48 h 内保持在田间持水量的80%以上
    Abstract: In this paper, the soil moisture sensors were adopted to study the dynamics of soil volumetric water content (SVWC) in poplar plantation cultivated with ground drip irrigation system at ancient sandy land of Yongding River in Beijing. The changing process of SVWC was measured under condition of various time lengths of drip irrigation treatments with eraser of consistent rate of flow in 4 L/ hour, in order to illustrate the quantitative relations of SVWC and different time lengths of irrigation and post irrigation. The study showed following results and conclusions: 1) During the continuous drip irrigation of 6 hours, the changing process of SVWC at most testing locations appeared a tendency of fast increase to slow increase and then remaining stable. 2) After continuous drip irrigation of 1.5, 2.5 and 5.5 hours, the SVWC will increased over the field water capacity (FWC) at testing location of 20, 30 and 40 cm apart from eraser horizontally in soil of 20 cm deep respectively, while after continuous drip irrigation of 2.5 and 4.5 hours, SVWC increased over FWC at the testing location of 0 and 20 cm apart from eraser horizontally in soil of 40 cm deep respectively. 3) After drip irrigation of various time lengths, the SVWC appeared a tendency of fast decrease to slow decrease if SVWC reached the maximal value when irrigation stopped, while the SVWC appeared slow decrease consistently if SVWC reached the maximal value when drip irrigation stopped for 6 hours. 4) After continuous drip irrigation of 2, 3 and 5 hours, the SVWC will remain over 80% FWC in 48 hours after stopping irrigation at the testing location of 20, 30 and 40 cm apart from eraser horizontally in soil of 20 cm deep respectively, while after continuous drip irrigation of 3, 4 and 6 hours, the SVWC will remain over the 80% FWC in 48 hours after stopping irrigation at the testing location of 0, 20 and 30 cm apart from eraser horizontally in soil of 20 cm deep respectively. The above mentioned study conclusions will provide necessary theoretical basis and technical references for designing and running the ground drip irrigation system to cultivate high-yielding tree plantations in the ancient sandy land of river.
  • 期刊类型引用(17)

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  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
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  • 发布日期:  2013-11-29


