针对适用于林业高大林木病虫害防治的高效车载式稳态燃烧烟雾机的关键部件———燃烧室进行设计,要求 烟雾机满足最大喷烟量(即施药量)400 L/ h,进行农药热力烟化时既要使油溶剂农药完全烟化,又不能产生燃烧使 农药分解失去药性。在分析了多种类型燃烧室的结构特点后,创新设计了一种新型燃烧室结构。该燃烧室采用侧 面前方进气,内壁分布着具有不同进气方向的多个进气口,这样有利于燃气充分燃烧及提高燃烧效率。通过对燃 烧室内燃气完全燃烧理论温度、不完全燃烧实际温度以及油溶剂农药汽化所需热量的计算,确定了对应最大喷烟 量所需的最低燃油量为10.1 kg/ h。再根据燃油量与燃烧火焰长度、直径之间的关系,经试验测定,最终确定了燃烧 室的外形尺寸,即长度为500 mm、直径为300 mm。
In this research, it was hypothesized that at the stage of the maximum thermal fog discharge rate of 400 L/ hour, the oil solvent pesticides inside the combustion chamber should be thermodynamically atomized,while their chemical property should remain unchanged, with this hypothesis, characteristics of three types of combustors were analyzed and compared and then an optimal combustion chamber was designed by locating the air intake at foreside of the chamber wall to achieve complete combustion and improve the combustor efficiency. The theoretical temperature of complete combustion and the actual temperature of incomplete combustion in the combustion chamber, and the vaporization heat quantity of oil solvent pesticides were calculated, respectively. Based on these calculations, the lowest oil consumption of 10.1 kg/ hour was determined for the maximum thermal discharging rate. Consequently, the optimal structure of combustion chamber,which was 500 mm long and 300 mm in diameter was obtained from the relationship between oil consumption and the flame length or diameter. Combusting tests with different types of combustors demonstrated that the newly designed combustion chamber greatly increased combustion efficiency.