为提高多级离心式森林消防泵的使用性能,延长其工作寿命,针对离心泵内可能产生的汽蚀现象,设计了森 林消防泵的汽蚀实验。实验在自行搭建的开式汽蚀实验测试系统上进行,测试系统主要由交流电力测功机、测控 系统和水泵实验台组成。交流电力测功机提供系统动力,带动森林消防泵工作,并将实验数据传输到测控系统实 时读取。通过采集包括额定工况在内的3 个不同工况点下泵的流量、转速、进口压力值、首级叶轮压力值、大气压 力值、实验水温等各项数据,计算得到各个工况点下泵的汽蚀余量与首级叶轮扬程值。以首级叶轮扬程值下降到 无汽蚀现象扬程值的3%时的汽蚀余量作为临界汽蚀余量的判别标准,绘制3 个工况点下的临界汽蚀余量判别曲 线,进而绘制出森林消防泵的汽蚀特性曲线,并根据吸水管线的水力损失计算泵的许用安装高度。本实验为多级 离心式森林消防泵汽蚀性能的研究和改进提供了依据。
Aiming at the cavitation phenomenon which may occurred in the centrifugal pump, caviation test was designed to improve the service performance and operating life of forest fire-extinguishing pump. The test was carried out on the open-type pump cavitation test system, which was mainly composed of AC electrical dynamometer, test-control computer and pump test-bed. The AC electrical dynamometer powered the system, drove the pump to work and transmitted the data to test-control computer for real time reading. And by acquiring all the data at three different working conditions, including the rated working condition, such as the pump flow, speed, the inlet pressure value, the first stage impeller pressure value, the atmospheric pressure value and the experimental temperature, the NPSH and the first stage impeller lift value at the three working conditions were calculated. With NPSH when the first-stage impeller lift value decreased to 3% of no cavitation lift value as the critical one, the critical NPSH discrimination curve at the three working conditions and the NPSH curve of forest fire pump were drawn, then the allowable height of installation was calculated according to the hydraulic loss of the pipeline. It provides guidance for the research and improvement of this type of fire pump's cavitation performance.