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郭小平, 朱清科, 朱金兆, 沈应柏

郭小平, 朱清科, 朱金兆, 沈应柏. 晋西黄土高原酥梨水分调控效应研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(4): 118-122.
引用本文: 郭小平, 朱清科, 朱金兆, 沈应柏. 晋西黄土高原酥梨水分调控效应研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(4): 118-122.
GUO Xiao-ping, ZHU Qing-ke, ZHU Jin-zhao, SHEN Ying-bai. Effects of irrigation treatment on pear trees on the Loess Plateau in western Shanxi Province[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(4): 118-122.
Citation: GUO Xiao-ping, ZHU Qing-ke, ZHU Jin-zhao, SHEN Ying-bai. Effects of irrigation treatment on pear trees on the Loess Plateau in western Shanxi Province[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(4): 118-122.





    郭小平,博士生,副教授.主要研究方向:林业生态工程、水土保持.电话:010623 37735 Email:guoxp@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:100083 北京海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学150信箱.

  • 中图分类号: S661.2

Effects of irrigation treatment on pear trees on the Loess Plateau in western Shanxi Province

  • 摘要: 该研究针对晋西黄土高原地区旱作梨园缺水少肥、低产低效的现状,以当地农民可承受的果树补灌水量(A)、施肥纯量(B)和树盘覆盖方式(C)作为试验因子,利用3因素3水平进行正交试验设计,分析不同组合对梨树根际区土壤水分、光合速率、单株产量、净效益的影响.结果表明,3个因素对果树根际区土壤含水量、净光合速率、单株产量、净效益影响的顺序均是:灌水量(A)>树盘覆盖方式(C)>施肥纯量(B).净效益最优的处理组合为A3B2C3.这说明在黄土山地丘陵果园,果树对水分的需求比对肥的需求更为迫切.3因素不同水平多重比较结果表明,中灌水量(A2)与高灌水量(A3)、秸杆覆盖(C2)与地膜覆盖(C3)、中施肥量(B2)与高施肥量(B3)差异不显著,说明在当地没有必要追求高水、高肥、高产的生产模式,而采取中量的补水、中量施肥结合覆盖保墒技术措施,同样可获得较高产量,如A2B2C3处理组合(补灌水量27m3hm2、施肥纯量202.5kghm2、地膜覆盖).
    Abstract: Given the conditions of water shortage, low fertilization and low yield in pear orchards in arid farming areas on the Loess Plateau in western Shanxi Province, the authors tried to determine the causes of low yield and suggested an appropriate treatment combination. In an orthogonally designed experiment of three factors, each at three levels, authors analyzed the effects of subsurface irrigation water (factor A), fertilizer (B) and coverage measures (C) on the following variables: soil humidity, photosynthetic rate, yield and increased net income.Resultsshowed that the order of importance of the three factors on these variables was: the amount of subsurface irrigation (A), coverage measure (C) and fertilizer application (B). The optimum disposition was the combination A3B2C3, which indicated that water was more important to pear trees than fertilizers in this dry area. Comparing the results of different levels of the three factors, authors arrived at the following inferences: the differences between the medium (A2) and high irrigation (A3) amounts, straw coverage (C2) and pellicle coverage (C3), reasonable (B2) and a high fertilizer dose (B3) were statistically not significant. This shows that it is unnecessary to conduct the experiment at high levels of irrigation and fertilization in order to obtain high yields in the area. It is concluded that the disposition of a water saving irrigation system, a reasonable application of fertilization and coverage can obtain high yields and recommend the treatment combination A2B2C3, ie subsurface irrigation at 27 m3/hm2, fertilizer application at 202.5 kg/hm2 and plastic pellicle coverage.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-06-05
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-14


