Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of terpenoids from needles of Pinus tabulaeformis
摘要: 为探索研究油松的新方法,该文应用超临界CO2萃取技术,以油松针叶为材料萃取萜烯类化合物,以α蒎烯、β石竹烯为研究的重点,采用单因子变化的实验方法,通过GC和GC/MS监测,改变萃取时间、萃取压力、萃取温度,找到最佳实验条件.实验结果表明,萃取压力15MPa、萃取温度40℃和萃取时间20min,是从油松针叶中萃取以α蒎烯和β石竹烯为代表的萜烯类化合物得率较高的萃取条件.与水蒸气蒸馏相比,该实验方法省时且样品收率高.Abstract: Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction is an advanced technique in extracting volatile substances,which works at low temperatures,without any oxidation and deterioration.This method was first used to extract volatile terpenoids, such as α-pinene and β-caryophyllene, from the needles of Pinus tabulaeformis by means of alternating the factors of extraction pressure,temperature and time, and by GC and GC/MS monitoring.Resultsshow that the optimum extraction conditions including the pressure of 15 MPa, temperature of 40℃ and the time of 20 min.Compared with the former method of vapour distillation,the duration of this method is shorter and extraction efficiency is higher.
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