

    Diameter structure and understory diversity in Chinese pine plantations in Beijing low mountain areas.

    • 摘要: 为了揭示油松人工林正常生长,且能保持高生物多样性所需的立地条件,采用随机取样法,对北京西郊低山区97块油松人工林样地和分布其中的134个灌草样方进行调查,研究北京低山区4种立地条件油松人工林的径阶结构及林下植物多样性特征。结果表明:阴坡厚土立地条件下的油松人工林径阶分布接近正态分布,阴坡薄土、阳坡厚土和阳坡薄土立地条件下的油松人工林径阶分布均呈反“J”型;北京低山油松人工林林下植物种类丰富,共有植物63种,其中木本33种,草本30种,阴坡的林下植物种类数量显著高于阳坡,孩儿拳头、荆条为林下木本植物的优势种,荩草、求米草、茜草、益母草为林下草本植物的优势种;油松人工林林下植物从Patrick丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数、ShannonWiener多样性指数、Alatalo均匀度指数分析来看,以阴坡厚土立地条件下的高。


      Abstract: In order to examine the basic site conditions needed for the normal growth of Chinese pine plantations and maintenance of high biodiversity, 97 plots of Chinese pine plantations and 134 shrubherb subplots were established in the Beijing low mountain areas. The diameter of pine trees and species diversity were measured under four different site conditions. The results showed that diameter structure of Chinese pine plantations showed a normal distribution at the north and northeast slopes with deep soils, while the reverse Jshaped diameter distributions appeared in the other three site conditions, i.e. north and northeast slopes with shallow soils, south and southwest slopes with deep or shallow soils. Plant species diversity was high under the canopy of Chinese pine plantations; there were 63 species, including 33 shrub species and 30 herbaceous species. Overall, species richness at the north and northeast slopes were significantly higher than those at the south and southwest slopes. The dominant species in the shrub layer were Grewia biloba var. parviflora and Vitex negundo var. heterophylla, while those in the herb layer were Rubia cordifolia, Oplismenus undulatifolius, Leonuru japonicus and Arthraxon hispidus. The Patrick index, Simpson index, ShannonWiener index and Alatalo index of the understory vegetation were higher in the Chinese pine plantations at north and northeast slopes with deep soils than in the other sites investigated.


