Dwarfing effects of paclobutrazol, chlormequat and daminozide applications on potted Primula forbesii Franch
摘要: 为了有效控制盆栽小报春的株高、抑制徒长、防止花葶倒伏,采用不同浓度的多效唑(PP333)、矮壮素(CCC)和比久(B9)对盆栽小报春进行叶面喷施和土壤浇灌处理。结果表明:不同处理对小报春都有矮化作用,矮化效果由强到弱依次是PP333、B9、CCC,PP333土施比叶施效果显著,CCC叶施比土施效果显著,B9土施与叶施效果相似,无明显差异;不同处理对小报春的花葶高度均有抑制作用,但对小报春的花径、着花量也有不同程度的影响。综合考虑,处理CCC 500 mg/L盆内土施的效果最佳,不仅促使小报春的株型明显矮化、抑制花葶徒长,而且不影响花径大小和着花量,使叶片颜色加深,大大提高了小报春的盆栽质量。Abstract: In order to control plant height, inhibit overgrowth and prevent the lodging of flower stalks, potted Primula forbesii Franch. plants were treated with PP333, CCC and B9 by spraying their leaves and irrigating the potted soil. Results showed that all three plant growth regulators had dwarfing effects on plant height. The effect from strong to weak was PP333, B9 and CCC. The effect of soil irrigation was much greater than that of spraying the leaves with PP333, while spraying the leaves with CCC was more effective than irrigating the soil. For B9, irrigating the soil was equally effective as spraying the leaves. All three treatments restrained the length of flower stalks, but various effects were noted in the number of flowers and their diameters. The optimum dwarfing treatment for P. forbesii was the application of 500 mg/L CCC on potted soils. This treatment not only dwarfed the height of plants significantly, but also improved the quality of potted flowers by making the leaves greener and maintaining similar diameters and numbers of flowers.
- PP333 /
- CCC /
- B9 /
- Primula forbesii Franch. /
- dwarfing /
- growth and development
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