Soil characteristics and water conservation of different forest types in Changbai Mountain
摘要: 以长白山金沟岭林场的原始林、云冷杉针阔混交林、杨桦次生林,以及53和39年生的人工落叶松林为研究对象,同时以草地为对照试验区,分析了不同林型枯落物的现存量及持水特性、土壤水分物理性质以及土壤蓄水量。结果表明:1)不同林型枯落物的现存量在28.96~56.42 t/hm2之间,原始林枯落物现存量最大,为56.42 t/hm2,杨桦次生林最小,为28.96 t/hm2。2)枯落物最大持水量依次为:原始林>杨桦次生林>云冷杉针阔混交林>53年生人工落叶松林>39年生人工落叶松林。3)土壤密度随着土层深度的增加而增加,以幂函数方程拟合最好,各林型的土壤A1层的土壤密度都小于1.00 g/cm3,且明显小于草地土壤密度。4)土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度随土层深度的递增而逐渐变小。5)土壤自然含水量随着土层深度的递增而逐渐降低,且用幂函数方程拟合效果最好。6)土壤饱和蓄水量和毛管蓄水量变化为:原始林>云冷杉针阔混交林>杨桦次生林>39年生人工落叶松林>53年生人工落叶松林>草地;非毛管蓄水量变化为:杨桦次生林>云冷杉阔混交林>39年生人工落叶松林>原始林>53年生人工落叶松林>草地。综上可知林地水源涵养功能为:杨桦次生林>云冷杉阔混交林>原始林>39年生人工落叶松林>53年生人工落叶松林>草地。Abstract: We took a virgin forest, a spruce-fir forest, a polar-birch secondary forest, 53- and 39- year-old artificial larch in the Jingouling Forest Farm in Changbai Mountain, northeastern China, as study objects, and took grassland as the control. Litter extant quantity, water-storage capacity of litter, soil physical property and water-storage capacity of soil of different forest types were analyzed. Results showed that 1) the litter extant quantity of various forest types ranged from 28.96 to 56.42 t/hm2 (maximum in the virgin forest, minimum in the polar-birch secondary forest); 2) the sequence of maximum water-storage of litter is virgin forest>polar-birch secondary forest>spruce-fir forest>53-year-old artificial larch>39-year-old artificial larch>grassland; 3) soil bulk density increases with the soil depth increasing gradually, and the effect of the power function fitting is best. The bulk density of A1 layer in different forest soil are less than 1.00 g/cm3, obviously less than that of grassland; 4) the total porosity and capillary porosity gradually decrease with soil depth increasing; 5) natural moisture content gradually decreases with the soil depth increasing and the effect of the power function fitting is best; 6) the sequence of maximal soil water-storage and capillary water-storage are virgin forest>spruce-fir forest>polar-birch secondary forest>39-year-old artificial larch>53-year-old artificial larch>grassland, and non-capillary water-storage change is polar-birch secondary forest>spruce-fir forest>39-year-old artificial larch>virgin forest>53-year-old artificial larch>grassland. In short, the water conservation of different forest types is polar-birch secondary forest>spruce-fir forest>virgin forest>39-year-old artificial larch>53-year-old artificial larch>grassland.
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- water-storage
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