

    Seasonal variations of flavonoid contents in leaves of four of bamboo species

    • 摘要: 对毛竹、苦竹、绿竹及黄甜竹竹叶黄酮类化合物一年四季变化规律的研究表明,4种竹叶总黄酮含量在3~13.1 mg/g 干竹叶之间;从秋季、冬季、春季至夏季,4种竹叶总黄酮含量呈上升的趋势,每种竹叶中主要黄酮化合物的含量变化与该种竹叶总黄酮变化的趋势一致。竹叶中所含黄酮化合物的种类与竹种有关,毛竹叶中以单碳苷黄酮居多,苦竹叶中氧碳双苷及双碳苷黄酮占的比例较高,绿竹叶中双碳苷黄酮占的比例较高,黄甜竹叶中氧碳双苷黄酮占的比例较大,不同类型的黄酮化合物含量从秋季至夏季的变化幅度不等。


      Abstract: We reported the seasonal variations of flavonoid compounds in leaves of four bamboo species, i.e., Phyllostachys heterocycla, Pleioblastus amaru, Dendrocalamopsis oldhami and Acidosasa edulis. The contents of total flavonoids (TF), independent of bamboo species, increased from 3 to 13.1 mg per gram of dry leaf weight as leaves developed. TF showed an upward trending from autumn to summer. For each species, the levels of major flavonoid compounds in leaves showed a similar seasonal change with that of TF. The total types of flavonoid compounds varied among the four bamboo species: Phyllostachys heterocycla contained more mono-C-glycosylflavones, Pleioblastus amaru contained more O,C-diglycosylflavones and di-C-glycosylflavones, di-C-glycosylflavones were rich in Dendrocalamopsis oldhami, and O,C-diglycosylflavones were rich in Acidosasa edulis.


