

    Use of phyto-attractant in monitoring and controlling gypsy moth

    • 摘要: 在内蒙古阿尔山林业局兴安落叶松纯林内,选取受害兴安落叶松针叶的挥发物并复配成引诱剂(植物源引诱剂),测定其对舞毒蛾成虫的引诱效果。试验一利用窗式诱捕器携带4种诱芯: 1)植物源引诱剂(引诱剂Ⅰ),2)舞毒蛾性信息素(引诱剂Ⅱ),3)前两者之结合(引诱剂Ⅲ),4)空白对照于9块样地(幼、中龄林和成熟林各3块)进行测定。试验二利用窗式诱捕器携带第1种诱芯在5块新样地中测定了植物源引诱剂的有效距离。试验三通过观测诱集到的舞毒蛾成虫交配或产卵(精子)状况从而确定植物源引诱剂对舞毒蛾的控制作用。结果表明:一般情况下,植物源引诱剂对舞毒蛾雄成虫的引诱效果不如性信息素,但在种群高峰期的效果优于性信息素;植物源引诱剂对性信息素具有明显的增效作用,可以与后者配合使用;植物源引诱剂的最大引诱距离可达90 m,但70 m内效果最好。本研究诱集到的舞毒蛾全部为雄虫,绝大部分处于未交配或未完全交配阶段,表明植物源引诱剂能够对舞毒蛾雄成虫起到较好的控制作用,为发展舞毒蛾植物源农药提供了数据支撑。


      Abstract: Trunk window traps baiting with plant volatile compounds from damaged Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. branches were applied in L.gmelinii forests in Aershan area, Inner-Mongolia. The effects of phyto-attractant, sex pheromone and their combination were used to test the effect of phyto-attractant on gypsy moth and the interaction of phyto-attractant and sex pheromone. The experiment was carried out in nine forest stands covering young, middle-aged and mature forests. Traps were also used in five other forests to test the effective distance of phyto-attractant. The results showed that the phyto-attractant could not exceed the attractive level of the sex pheromone except when the population size of the gypsy moth is very large. The phyto-attractant had an obvious synergistic effect on the sex pheromone. Gypsy moths 90 m away from the traps could be attracted with an optimum distance around 70 m. All of the attracted moths were males, most of which are virginal or not fully mated. The plant volatile compound had an obvious effect in monitoring and controlling the gypsy moth as a phyto-attractant, but it can also be applied as an accessory ingredient of sex pheromone in the management of the moth. The results also supported that our phyto-attractant can be developed as a pesticide for gypsy moth.


