采用APS-2A 型降水降尘自动采集仪,定位收集2012 年5—10 月重庆缙云山自然保护站的湿沉降数据,分析该地区大气氮湿沉降浓度及沉降的组成、月变化及季节变化。结果表明:1)相对于NO- 3 -N 和DON(可溶性有机氮),降雨中NH+ 4 -N 的质量浓度较高,说明该地区NH3 的排放量较高;2)缙云山地区大气活性氮主要是还原态的NH+ 4 -N,其主要来源于农业生产;3)监测期内湿沉降中NO- 3 -N、NH+ 4 -N 和DON 的平均质量浓度分别为(0.441 ±0.304)、(0.821 ±0.480)和(0.203 ±0.211) mg/ L,3 种形态氮的月平均质量浓度排序为NH+ 4 -N NO- 3 -N DON;4)NO- 3 -N、NH+ 4 -N 和DON 的最大沉降量均出现在5 月,其平均湿沉降量分别为(0.642 ±0.292)、(1.273 ± 0.739)和(0.329 ±0.231) kg/ hm2 ,占总氮湿沉降量的比例分别是29.76%、56.27%和13.98%;5)氮质量浓度与降 雨量、降雨强度之间的相关关系均很弱,而氮湿沉降量与降雨量之间呈显著的线性相关关系(P 0.01),说明该地 区氮湿沉降量主要受降雨量的影响,但是降雨量、降雨强度对氮质量浓度的影响都很小。
and rainfall intensity have little impact on N concentration.Field observation of nitrogen wet deposition in Jinyun Mountain, the natural conservation station of southwestern China, was fixed collected by APS-2A precipitation-dust automatic acquisition instrument from May to October 2012, based on which the composition, monthly and seasonal variation of nitrogen wet deposition were analyzed. Results showed that: 1) the concentration of NH+ 4 -N was higher than that of NO- 3 -N and DON (dissolved organic nitrogen), indicating that emission load of NH3 within this area was generally high; 2) the major form of atmospheric reactive nitrogen in Jinyun Mountain area was reduced nitrogen NH+ 4 -N, which primarily came from agricultural productivity; 3 ) the average concentrations of NO3-N, NH+ 4 -N and DON in precipitation were (0.441 ±0.304), (0.821 ±0.80) and (0.203 ±0.211) mg/ L during the monitoring period, respectively, of which the above three nitrogen forms ranked in NH+ 4 -N NO- 3 -N DON; 4) the highest concentrations of NO- 3 -N, NH+ 4 -N and DON all occurred in May, and the average values were (0.642 ±0.292), (1.273 ±0.739) and (0.329 0.231) kg/ hm2, accounted for 29.76%, 56.27% and 13.98% of the total nitrogen wet deposition, respectively; 5) nitrogen concentration was weakly correlated with rainfall and rainfall intensity, while the total nitrogen wet deposition presented an obvious linear correlation with the precipitation amount (P 0.01), which demonstrates that nitrogen wet deposition is mainly affected by rainfall, but rainfall