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焦亮, 赵成章, 董小刚

焦亮, 赵成章, 董小刚. 青藏高原东缘玛曲种子植物区系特征分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(4): 87-94.
引用本文: 焦亮, 赵成章, 董小刚. 青藏高原东缘玛曲种子植物区系特征分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(4): 87-94.
JIAO Liang, ZHAO Cheng-zhang, DONG Xiao-gang. Characteristics on the flora of seed plants from Maqu in the eastern margin of Qinghai鄄Tibet Plateau,western China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(4): 87-94.
Citation: JIAO Liang, ZHAO Cheng-zhang, DONG Xiao-gang. Characteristics on the flora of seed plants from Maqu in the eastern margin of Qinghai鄄Tibet Plateau,western China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(4): 87-94.


Characteristics on the flora of seed plants from Maqu in the eastern margin of Qinghai鄄Tibet Plateau,western China.

  • 摘要: 玛曲地处青藏高原东北部、甘肃省西南部,多种植物区系在此汇集,区系成分复杂、联系广泛。通过对该区种 子植物进行调查、分类与统计,分析该区种、属、科的现代地理分布特征、区系属性,并通过主成分分析方法比较玛 曲与相邻的12 个地区植物区系的关系,得出玛曲共有种子植物83 科353 属936 种,植物种质资源十分丰富。该区 种子植物地理成分十分复杂,温带成分占较大比重,温带属有272 属,占总属数的89郾18%,温带种428 种,占总种 数的46.37%,为典型的北温带性质。多年生草本植物在该区较多,木本植物较少,同时原始、古老植物种类和中国 特有科、属植物种类缺乏,都能反映出该区地质年代新、物种形成和分化时间短,也能说明该区区系成分相对年轻。 唐古特成分、西南成分、华北成分以本区为汇集处表明该区植物区系的过渡性特征。
    Abstract: Maqu lies in the northeast of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and southwest of Gansu Province. It is the area where more floras are convergent, and the floral composition is complex. It connects nearby floristic areas extensively. The seed plants from Maqu were investigated and counted in view of taxonomy and floristic geography. On the basis of modern geographic distribution patterns of all species, genera and family in this region, the geographic distribution types were identified and taken into statistical analysis. By the method of principle component analysis (PCA), the flora of Maqu were compared with 12 adjacent regions to identify the relationships of floristic similarity among them. The results were showed as follows: the flora of Maqu consisted of 83 families , 353 genera and 936 species of seed plants. The resource plants are rich. The seed plants of Maqu are complex geographical components, mainly consisting of temperate distribution ( including 272 temperate genera and 428 temperate species, accounting for 89.18% of all the genera and 46.37% of all the species), typical north temperate in nature. Most plants of the flora are perennial herbs and poorest on trees, short of the ancient type and primitive species, and some endemic elements of China are few. Because of the relative young geology age, the time of speciation is shorter and the differentiation is later in Maqu. Maqu is the intersection of southwest element, north China element and the Tangute Region, showing the features of transitional flora.
  • 文章访问数:  1466
  • HTML全文浏览量:  124
  • PDF下载量:  94
  • 被引次数: 0
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-07-29


