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王摇超, 王冬梅, 李永红, 张艳, 赖文豪

王摇超, 王冬梅, 李永红, 张艳, 赖文豪. 能源树种文冠果在黄土残垣沟壑区引种试验的初步研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 90-96.
引用本文: 王摇超, 王冬梅, 李永红, 张艳, 赖文豪. 能源树种文冠果在黄土残垣沟壑区引种试验的初步研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 90-96.
WANG Chao, WANG Dong-mei, LI Yong-hong, ZHANG Yan, LAI Wen-hao. Introduction experiment of bio-energy plant Xanthoceras sorbifolia in the gully region of the loess tableland residue in Shanxi Province,northern China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(3): 90-96.
Citation: WANG Chao, WANG Dong-mei, LI Yong-hong, ZHANG Yan, LAI Wen-hao. Introduction experiment of bio-energy plant Xanthoceras sorbifolia in the gully region of the loess tableland residue in Shanxi Province,northern China.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2013, 35(3): 90-96.


Introduction experiment of bio-energy plant Xanthoceras sorbifolia in the gully region of the loess tableland residue in Shanxi Province,northern China.

  • 摘要: 选择黄土残垣沟壑区的典型区域山西省吉县,对内蒙古赤峰、甘肃天水、宁夏吴忠、陕西杨凌、河北保定、山西 吉县6 地文冠果进行种源试验研究,以筛选出适合山西黄土残垣沟壑区的优良品种。对6 个文冠果种源地种子的 出苗率、生理生长特性指标进行观测及分析。结果表明:不同种源间种子出苗率、1 年生苗木生长量差异显著,且当 年株高随出苗率变化差异显著,出苗率高的种源幼苗健壮,其中吴忠与天水种源种子出苗率最高,幼苗健壮;但2 年生苗木株高增长量随出苗率变化不显著,种子特性对第2 年苗木生长影响较小,环境对其影响加强,天水与吴忠 种源苗木生长快而稳,吉县本土种源显现对环境适应的优势;不同种源间文冠果苗木净光合速率差异显著,吴忠、 天水、赤峰种源的光合能力较强。本研究可初步判定宁夏吴忠与甘肃天水种源地种子为适合山西黄土残垣沟壑区 的优良文冠果种源。
    Abstract: In order to screen out suitable Xanthoceras Sorbifolia varieties for the gully region of the loess tableland residue in Shanxi Province of northern China, we took provenance trials with six seed sources, including Chifeng of Inner Mongolia, Tianshui of Gansu, Wuzhong of Ningxia, Yangling of Shaanxi, Baoding of Hebei and Jixian of Shanxi, observed each seed emergence rate and analyzed their physical growth characteristic indexes. The results showed that there was a significant difference in seed emergence rate and the one-year-old seedling growth among each other. And the plant height differed a lot as the variation of seed emergence rate, between which positive correlation existed. Seedlings grew the strongest with seeds of highest emergence rate from Wuzhong and Tianshui. However, none of the second year seedlings increment was related remarkably with seed emergence rate. Seed characters had less effect on the seeding growth in the second year, and the environmental impact strengthened instead. Seedlings with provenances Tianshui and Wuzhong grew fast and stable, while Jixian, the local, appeared advantageous adaptability to the environment. There was also an obvious difference in net photosynthetic rate among the six, and Wuzhong, Tianshui, Chifeng had stronger photosynthetic ability relatively. To sum up, it could be approximately concluded that Wuzhong and Tianshui were the fine X. Sorbifolia seed sources adaptable to the gully region of the loess tableland residue in Shanxi Province, northern China
  • 期刊类型引用(10)

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  • HTML全文浏览量:  245
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  • 被引次数: 13
  • 收稿日期:  1899-12-31
  • 修回日期:  1899-12-31
  • 发布日期:  2013-05-29


