

    朱耀军, 赵峰, 郭菊兰, 武高洁, 林广旋

    朱耀军, 赵峰, 郭菊兰, 武高洁, 林广旋. 广东湛江高桥红树林湿地沉积柱粒度特征[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(11): 9-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170168
    引用本文: 朱耀军, 赵峰, 郭菊兰, 武高洁, 林广旋. 广东湛江高桥红树林湿地沉积柱粒度特征[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(11): 9-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170168
    ZHU Yao-jun, ZHAO Feng, GUO Ju-lan, WU Gao-jie, LIN Guang-xuan. Grain size characteristics of core sedimentation from the Gaoqiao mangrove area in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province of southern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(11): 9-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170168
    Citation: ZHU Yao-jun, ZHAO Feng, GUO Ju-lan, WU Gao-jie, LIN Guang-xuan. Grain size characteristics of core sedimentation from the Gaoqiao mangrove area in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province of southern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2017, 39(11): 9-17. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20170168



    国家自然科学基金项目 41306079

    国家自然科学基金项目 31100413

    中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费项目 CAFYBB2014QB018


      朱耀军,副研究员。主要研究方向:湿地生态学、景观生态学。Email:zhuyaojun@caf.ac.cn  地址:100091 北京市海淀区东小府1号中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所


      赵峰,副研究员。主要研究方向:林业资源监测。Email: zhaofeng@caf.ac.cn  地址:100091 北京市海淀区东小府1号中国林业科学研究院资源信息研究所

    • 中图分类号: S714.2

    Grain size characteristics of core sedimentation from the Gaoqiao mangrove area in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province of southern China

    • 摘要: 红树林是一种特殊的生物海岸类型,具有多种生态系统服务功能。以广东湛江高桥红树林湿地为研究区,在英罗湾的湾内和湾口的两片红树林集中分布区,沿水动力梯度,垂直于海岸布设两条样线进行柱状取样,并采用矩值法计算平均粒径、分选系数、偏度和峰度等粒度参数,分析了沉积物在水平和垂直方向上的粒度特征,旨在了解研究区红树林湿地生境演变过程。结果表明:1)沉积物以粉粒和砂粒组分为主,随着红树林发育成熟度和沉积过程,红树林内带和表层样点均呈细化趋势。2)粒度分布曲线可以看出,红树林外带更多受水动力条件的影响,样点沉积过程相似,内带的沉积因水动力条件和生物过程的影响而复杂,但白骨壤纯林的沉积环境相对稳定。3)粒度参数受水动力条件和生物地貌过程影响,空间异质性显著。水平方向上,湾内样线自内带向外表现为平均粒径变小(质地粗化)趋势,湾外样线平均粒径变化趋势性不明显,但有红海榄群落分布的中间带样点的粒度更细;沉积物分选性属于较差到差,频率曲线呈负偏到很正偏,峰度呈平坦到尖锐的分布。垂直方向上,自表层向下平均粒径减小、分选性变差、偏态值增加、峰态增加,反映出林下环境的沉积过程。4)相关性分析表明,粒度参数与不同粒级体积含量相关,平均粒径和峰度参数与黏粒、粉粒含量正相关而与砂粒含量负相关,分选系数和偏度与细颗粒物含量显著负相关。粒度参数之间的相关性表现为平均粒径与峰度正相关,而与分选系数和偏度负相关,分选系数与峰度负相关,偏度与峰度负相关。研究区沉积物的形成过程有多种作用共同参与,红树林的存在改变了海岸的水动力条件而影响沉积过程,研究结果对于了解百年尺度上红树林湿地的生物地貌形成过程具有一定意义。
      Abstract: Mangrove coast is a special type of biological coast and it provides a variety of ecosystem services. To understand the evolution of the habitat of mangrove wetland, sediment cores along a hydrodynamic gradient in the inner and outer gulf of Yingluo Bay, the grain size characteristics (average grain size, sorting coefficient, skewness and kurtosis) of the sediments in the horizontal and vertical directions were analyzed using the moment method. The results showed that the sediments were mainly composed of silt and sand components, the surface samples of mangrove zone showed a trend of refinement with the maturation and deposition process of mangrove forests. The grain size distribution curve showed that the outer mangrove was more affected by hydrodynamic conditions than inner mangrove. The deposition processes of inner zone and outer zone were similar. The inner deposition was complicated by the influence of hydrodynamic conditions and biological processes. However, the sedimentary environment of the pure stand of Avicennia marina was relatively stable.Grain size parameters were affected by the hydrodynamic conditions and biogeography processes, and spatial heterogeneity was significant. In horizontal direction, the average particle size of the inner sample line of the bay turned to be small (texture coarsening) from inside to outside. The average particle size of the outer samples showed no obvious trends but become finer in intermediate zone distributed with Rhizophora stylosa trees. The sediment segregation was poor to worse, the frequency curve was negative biased to positive bias, and the peak presented from flat to sharp distribution. In vertical direction, the average particle size decreased from the surface to deeper layer, the separation became worse, the skewness increased, and the peak state increased too, reflecting the deposition process of the forest understory environment.The correlation analysis showed that the grain size parameters of the sediments were related to different volume levels, the average grain size and kurtosis parameters were positively correlated with the content of clay and grains, and negatively correlated with the sand content, the separation coefficient and skewness were negatively correlated with the fine particulate matter content. The average grain size was positively correlated with the kurtosis, but negatively correlated with the sorting coefficient and the skewness. The separation coefficient was negatively correlated with the kurtosis, and the skewness was negatively correlated with the kurtosis. A variety of roles were involved in the formation of sediment, and mangrove forests changed the hydrodynamic conditions of the coast, which affected the deposition process in turn. The results are significant to understand the biomechanical processes of mangrove wetlands on a century scale.
    • 图  1   研究区及采样点示意图

      Figure  1.   Location of sampling sites in study

      图  2   沉积柱粒度组成

      Figure  2.   Grain size composition of the core sediment groups

      图  3   沉积柱粒径组成累积面积图


      Figure  3.   Cumulative area ratio of grain size composition in core sediments

      CS refers to coarse sand, MS refers to medium sand, FS refers to fine sand, VFS refers to very fine sand, VCS refers to very coarse silt, CSI refers to coarse silt, MSI refers to medium silt, FSI refers to fine silt, C refers to clay. The same as below.

      图  4   沉积柱样品粒径分布的体积百分比

      Figure  4.   Grain size versus percentage volume of the sediment cores

      图  5   A、B样柱粒度参数垂向变化

      Figure  5.   Vertical variations in grain size parameter of the core sediment A and B plots

      图  6   柱状沉积物粒度参数之间的关系

      Figure  6.   Relationships among the core sediment grain size parameters

      表  1   样柱粒度参数均值(标准差)

      Table  1   Average(SE) of grain size parameters in the core sediments

      Curve form of grain size distribution
      Average grain size
      A1 单峰、双峰Single peak, double peak
      多峰Multiple peak
      6.34φ(1.05φ)ab 2.29(0.44) b 0.08(0.11)cd 1.05(0.10) a
      A2 单峰、双峰Single peak, double peak
      多峰Multiple peak
      5.86φ(0.56φ)b 2.39(0.15) b 0.10(0.09)cd 0.97(0.09) a
      A3 双峰Double peak 5.11φ(0.51φ) c 2.70(0.15) a 0.37(0.14)a 0.78(0.10) b
      B1 双峰Double peak 5.10φ(0.58φ) bc 2.74(0.18) a 0.21(0.18)bc 0.81(0.07) b
      B2 双峰、多峰Double peak, multiple peak 6.83φ(0.79φ) a 2.22(0.39) b 0.01(0.08)d 1.05(0.13) a
      B3 双峰Double peak 5.60φ(0.57φ) bc 2.38(0.19) b 0.29(0.16)ab 0.85(0.06) b
      注:不同字母间表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。φ为尤登-温德华氏等比例粒级。下同。Notes: different letters indicate significant difference from each other at P < 0.05 level. φ is Udden-Wentworth (U-W) equal proportional size fraction. The same as below.
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2   沉积物各粒径含量与粒度参数相关性分析

      Table  2   Correlation analysis between grain size parameters and the volume content of different grain size sediment

      C 0.965** 0.869** 0.310* -0.542** -0.846** -0.652** -0.389* -0.336* 0.948** -0.655** -0.665** 0.353*
      FSI 0.961** 0.466** -0.506** -0.910** -0.732** -0.393** -0.292 0.971** -0.742** -0.711** 0.489**
      MSI 0.648** -0.368* -0.902** -0.812** -0.433** -0.251 0.951** -0.770** -0.744** 0.598**
      CSI 0.353* -0.555** -0.824** -0.359* -0.108 0.569** -0.452** -0.702** 0.530**
      VCS 0.505** -0.17 -0.22 0.004 -0.320* 0.184 0.117 -0.18
      VFS 0.700** 0.088 0.058 -0.850** 0.528** 0.822** -0.597**
      FS 0.539** 0.095 -0.822** 0.601** 0.786** -0.554**
      MS 0.256 -0.518** 0.555** 0.215 -0.09
      CS -0.386* 0.514** -0.02 0.29
      MZ -0.768** -0.736** 0.460**
      σ1 0.238 -0.388*
      SK1 -0.491**
      注:**表示在0.01水平上显著相关, *表示在0.05水平上显著相关。Notes:** means correlation is significant at P < 0.01 level, * means correlation is significant at P < 0.05 level.
      下载: 导出CSV
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