

    Family selection of birch tetraploid half-sibling based on seed vigor and seedling growth traits.

    • 摘要: 为了早期评价及筛选白桦三倍体制种园的母树,加快制种园的改良进程,以园中18 株白桦四倍体及5 株二 倍体母树为研究对象,分别采种育苗,开展半同胞家系间种子千粒重、发芽势、发芽率、活力指数、苗高、地径等性状 的方差分析和多重比较。结果表明:6 个性状在白桦半同胞家系间的差异均达到了极显著水平(P 0.01);在种子 千粒重方面,四倍体家系普遍较重,其平均值较二倍体家系重了22.42%;在种子活力方面,四倍体Q53 半同胞家系 表现最好,其发芽势和活力指数分别为56.67%、37.62,但其他四倍体家系普遍低于二倍体家系;苗期生长性状方 面,白桦二倍体高生长优于四倍体家系,苗高排序前3 位的均为二倍体家系,其中最高的CK1 家系高于其他家系的 31郾04%,而地径生长则四倍体家系表现较好,排在前13 位的家系中有12 个为四倍体家系。运用主成分分析法选 择Q53、Q65、Q13、Q27 等为四倍体优良家系,初步认为这些家系的母树是三倍体制种园改建的首选母树。


      Abstract: In this experiment, we compared tetraploid-and diploid-families of birch in seed and seedling quality. Seeds of 23 half-sib families (18 tetraploid-and 5 diploid-families) were collected from a seed orchard and their seedlings were grown in a nursery. The measured traits included thousand-seed weight, germination potential, germination rate,vigor index, seedling height and ground diameter. The results showed that: there were significant (P 0.01) family effects for all studied traits. On average, the thousand-seed weight of triploid-families was 22.42% higher than that of diploid-families. While the tetraploid Q53 half-sibling family showed the highest germination potential (56.67%) and vigor index (37.62), all other tetraploid-families displayed lower values than diploid ones. For seedling height, the diploid-families were taller than the tetraploid ones; the top three families were all diploid-families and the tallest one, the diploid-family CK1, was 31.04% higher than other families. The ground diameter growth, however, showed a reversal pattern, with most of the top-ranking families being tetraploid-families. Based on the results of principal component analysis, tetraploid-families Q53, Q65, Q13 and Q27 were identified as the superior families. We recommend the seed trees of these families as preferred seed trees in the future establishment of triploid seed production gardens.


