Study on invasion of Huangyinghua (Solidago sp. )
摘要: 黄莺花因色彩鲜艳,生产成本低,已成为广东花卉市场上的主要配花之一。但是由于其外形与入侵性杂草加 拿大一枝黄花非常相似,广遭质疑。本文从黄莺花花粉萌发、种子萌发、胚珠结构以及伴生的植物等方面,对黄莺 花的入侵性和破坏性进行研究。结果显示,黄莺花的子房结构不完整,花粉萌发率几乎为零,因此认为该植物不会 对伴生植物产生抑制和破坏作用,可以继续应用于鲜切花产业。Abstract: Huangyinghua is a species of Solidago L. , composite family. It has become one of the main cut-flowers in Guangdong flower market since its bright color. However, whether Huangyinghua can be developed as a cut-flower is widely questioned because its appearance is very similar to S. canadensis, which is an invasive weed. The pollen germination, seed germination, ovary structure and associated plants of Huangyinghua were studied in this paper. Meanwhile, the invasion and destruction of Huangyinghua were investigated. The results showed that its ovary structure was not intact and the germination rate of pollen was almost zero. It had no inhibition and destructive effect on the associated plants. Therefore, Huangyinghua can be safely applied in cut-flower industry.
- Huangyinghua /
- pollen germination /
- seed germination /
- ovary structure
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