以不同地点30 个白杨杂种无性系为材料,对其2 ~ 4 年生树高、胸径和材积进行调查分析。结果表明:白杨 杂种无性系树高、胸径和材积在无性系间、地点间、无性系和地点的交互作用间差异均达极显著水平;树高、胸径和 材积的表型变异系数、遗传变异系数及重复力均随着树龄的增加而增大,且遗传变异系数占表型变异系数的比例 随着树龄的增大而增加;随着树龄的增长,白杨杂种无性系变异增大,但这种变异主要由遗传因素控制。相关性分 析结果表明,所有性状相关性均达到极显著正相关水平(0.404 2 ~0.988 7),表明植株在生长过程中各指标相互联 系密切。稳定性分析结果表明,无性系BL 28、BL 103 和BL 49 是较稳定无性系,而BL 106、BL 107 等无性系稳定性 较差,对不同地点有特殊的适应性。利用综合评价法,以20% 的入选率对无性系进行选择,不同地点无性系BL 104、BL 106 和BL 107 均可以入选,表明这3 个无性系不仅对不同地点有特殊的适应性,而且在不同地点均表现优 良,本研究对后续新品种选育很有价值。
A total of 30 white poplar hybrid clones were used to study the phenotypic variation of growth traits in terms of tree height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH) and volume (V) in the age of 2-4 years old. The joint ANOVA results showed that there were statistically significant differences in H, DBH and V between sites, clones and sites ⅹclones (P 0.01). That PCV, GCV, and R of different traits increased with tree growth indicated that the variation was increased with tree growth, but the variations were strong controlled by genetic factors. All the traits were showed significantly positive correlation coefficient (0.404 2-0.988 7), indicating that each trait was correlated closely. The adaptability analysis of poplar clones showed that BL 28, BL 103 and BL 49 were high stability, and performance steady in different sites, but BL 106 and BL 107 had low stability, which were special adaptability for peculiar environment. Based on the analysis, colligate evaluated BL 104, BL 106 and BL 107 were selected as excellent clones when the selection rate was 20% in different sites, showing that all the three clones were not only adapt to peculiar environment, but also perform excellent in different environment. The research is of great value for new cultivar selection in the future.