用量。试验设5 个处理,总氮素用量分别为0、130、180、230、280 mg/株,以N0 、N1 、N2 、N3 、N4 表示,5 次重复,各处理
氮素分12 周平均施入。结果表明:不同氮素用量显著影响文冠果生长季生物量和养分积累量,整个生长季内文冠
果氮、磷、钾积累量为氮 钾 磷;不同氮素用量影响根、茎、叶中氮、磷、钾的转运效率和在不同器官中的分配比
率,转运效率以N3 处理最高;在氮、磷、钾3 种元素中,积累效率为氮 磷 钾;生长季末氮、磷、钾养分主要集中在
根和叶中。在本试验条件下,文冠果育苗的推荐施氮量为230 mg/株。
In an effort to determine the optimal nitrogen application rate for Xanthoceras sorbifolia, a series of
field trials were conducted to investigate the effects of different nitrogen application rates on the growth,
nutrient accumulation and translocation in this species. Five nitrogen application levels of 0 (N0 ), 130
(N1), 180 (N2), 230 (N3) and 280 (N4) mg/seedling were set up with five replications. Fertilizer in
the form of urea was applied once a week and 12 times throughout a single growing season; the amount of
fertilizer was the same in each nitrogen application. The results indicated that different nitrogen
application rates significantly affected biomass and nutrition accumulation rates at different stages of
growth in this species. The order of accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium throughout the
entire growing season was N K P. Nitrogen application rates affected the translocation efficiency
and distribution ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in different organs. The highest translocation
efficiency was found in N3. The order of accumulation efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
was N P K. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients mainly concentrated in the roots and
leaves during the later stages of growth. Under the experimental conditions used here, the recommended
nitrogen application rate for X. sorbifolia is 230 mg/seedling.