

    Hybrid identification and morphological evaluation of modern roses ( Rosa hybrida ) x Rosa rugosa

    • 摘要: 以现代月季品种(2n =4x =28)为母本,玫瑰品种(2n =2x =14)为父本设4 个组合进行杂交,获得杂交后代13 个。综合利用形态学观察、流式细胞仪倍性检测、核型分析以及SSR 分子标记对其中的7 个杂交后代进行了杂种 鉴定。结果表明:杂交后代多具备父母本的中间形态学特征;流式细胞仪检测结果和核型分析均表明7 个杂交后 代为三倍体(2n =3x =21),核型特征多介于父母本之间,以1A 型为主;11 对SSR 引物扩增结果发现7 个杂交后代 均含有父母本的特异性条带。从形态学、细胞学和分子标记数据证明杂交后代整合了现代月季和玫瑰的遗传物质 和表型特征,确定为真杂种,为利用玫瑰改良现代月季品种提供了新的种质材料。本研究结果也证明,流式细胞术 可以作为不同倍性蔷薇属植物杂交后代的快速鉴定方法。


      Abstract: Four cross combinations between modern rose cultivars (Rosa hybrida, 2n = 4x = 28), as female parents, and R. rugosa cultivars (2n = 2x = 14), as male parents, were carried out, and thirteen F1 hybrids were obtained, among which seven hybrids were chosen to be evaluated and identified by morphological observation, flow cytometry, karyotype analysis and simple sequence repeat ( SSR) markers. The results showed that F1 hybrids integrated the morphological characteristics of both R. hybrida and R. rugosa. Both flow cytometry analysis and karyotype analysis showed that the 7 hybrids were all triploids (2n =3x =21), karyotype parameters of the hybrids were between the female and male parents. The karyotype of most hybrids was 1A. The results of 11 SSR markers indicated that all of the 7 selected hybrids contained the specific bands of both parents. All the morphological, cytological, and SSR marker data proved that all hybrids integrated the genetic material and morphological traits of both modern rose cultivars and R. rugosa cultivars, which provided new germplasm materials for the improvement of modern rose using R. rugosa. The results also show that flow cytometry analysis can be used to rapidly identify hybrids whose parents have different ploidy.


