

    Urban greenland landscape structure in Urumchi City, northwestern China

    • 摘要: 该文利用乌鲁木齐市2002年Quick Bird遥感数据,采用eCognition面向对象的多尺度分割技术提取城市绿地信息,应用景观斑块谱分析方法,对乌鲁木齐市城市绿地景观的数量构成特征和空间分布特征进行系统分析.结果表明:①乌鲁木齐市建成区绿地斑块面积3 612 hm2,斑块数量47 280块.②在城市绿地构成中,新市区绿地斑块面积最大、斑块数量最多,水磨沟区绿地斑块面积相对最小、斑块数量最少.③在绿化覆盖率上,新市区接近建成区平均水平,水磨沟区和天山区超过建成区平均水平,沙依巴克区低于建成区平均水平,各城区距国家园林城市35%的标准都有一定差距.④在各种绿地类型中,附属绿地占绝对优势,其次是居住绿地和公共绿地,道路绿地和防护绿地较少,生产绿地最少.⑤按绿地斑块面积统计,大于10 000 m2的大型绿地斑块占优势,占整个绿地面积的49.56%;按斑块数量统计小于500 m2的小型斑块占绝对优势,占整个绿地斑块的82.27%.⑥在小型斑块、中型斑块、大中型斑块中都是以附属绿地最多,其次是居住绿地,再其次是道路绿地,最少是生产绿地;在大型斑块中,附属绿地和公共绿地所占比例相等,且占据最多,防护绿地次之,生产绿地最少.在乌鲁木齐市创建国家园林城市过程中,新市区绿化空间还很大,沙依巴克区绿化任务还很艰巨,限于城市用地紧张,应将有条件可以连片的小型、中型绿地斑块尽可能连片,增加3 000~10 000 m2的大中型绿地斑块.城区内加强荒山绿化和废矿区地面绿化.城市北部组建大型绿化苗木生产基地,城市南部外围营造大型防护林带.分析结果对乌鲁木齐市城市绿地建设和2013年创建国家级园林城市具有指导意义.


      Abstract: The greenland landscape structure and distribution of urban greenland in Urumchi was analyzed adapted with high-differentiative QuickBird remote sensing image in 2002,used by eCognition on multi-resolution image segmentation and object-oriented image classification methods,applied with landscape patch order of landscape ecology.The results showed that urban greenland landscape patch area was 3 612 hm2;landscape patch number was 47 280 pieces.In terms of area and number of landscape patch,patch area was the largest and patch number was the most in the Xinshi Region,but the situation was absolutely opposite in the Shuimogou Region.In terms of the rate of greenland cover,the first was Shuimogou Region,the second was Tianshan Region,the third was Xinshi Region,and Shayibake Region was the last.Each region was far away from the landscape architecture standard of nationality.In greenland type,affiliated greenland patch area was the most,the second was public greenland and residential greenland,the third was shelter greenland and roadside greenland,while production greenland patch area was the lowest.In the distribution of greenland patch area,large patch beyond 10 000 m2 was superiority by 49.56%.In the distribution of greenland patch number,small patch under 500 m2 was superiority by 82.27%.In large patch,middile-large patch,middile patch as well as small patch,affiliated greenland was the most,residential greenland was second,production greenland was the lowest.In a word,greenland landscape distribution was not even.In recently,urban afforesting area is unceasingly increased and the urban afforesting quality is continuously improved in Urumchi,but is still far from the national landscape architecture standard.So Urumchi urban afforest assignment and ecological construction are important and difficult.In view of city land is insufficient,middle patch and small patch are linked up with eath other inside of urban,patch area is enlarged to middle-large patch of 3 000-(10 000) m2.Production greenland is increased in the north of Urumchi,and shelter greenland is increased in the south of Urumchi.It is necessary and significant to analyze the urban greenland landscape structure in Urumchi.


