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Cui Tingting, Zhu Liying, Zhang Litian, Ye Yongxiang, Lin Qinlan, Yan Minlong. Analysis of spatial vitality characteristics and influencing factors of Wuyi Mountain National Park from online and offline perspectives[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240278
Citation: Cui Tingting, Zhu Liying, Zhang Litian, Ye Yongxiang, Lin Qinlan, Yan Minlong. Analysis of spatial vitality characteristics and influencing factors of Wuyi Mountain National Park from online and offline perspectives[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240278

Analysis of spatial vitality characteristics and influencing factors of Wuyi Mountain National Park from online and offline perspectives

More Information
  • Received Date: August 25, 2024
  • Revised Date: February 17, 2025
  • Available Online: February 25, 2025
  • Objective 

    The objective of this study is to explore the characteristics and influencing factors of spatial vitality in national parks, and to provide a scientific basis for the spatial planning of national parks and the redevelopment of eco-social value of landscape resources.


    Taking the eastern scenic spot of Wuyi Mountain National Park as an example, based on multi-source social media data, kernel density analysis, spatial autocorrelation analysis and geographically weighted regression model were used to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of online and offline vitality, and the influence coefficient of natural environment and social experience factors on vitality and its spatial heterogeneity relationship were discussed.


    (1) The spatial clustering of both online and offline vitality followed a “multi-center, localized clustering” pattern, with the core vitality zones concentrated in the Jiuquxi River, Fujian Province of eastern China. (2) Park vitality was influenced by various factors, which exhibited different correlations with online and offline vitality. Common influencing factors for both included distance to water bodies, NDVI, slope, commercial service facilities, tourist attraction facilities, attraction popularity, and geographical accessibility. (3) Among natural factors, distance to water bodies was the primary influencing factor for both online (−0.033 6) and offline (−0.085 7) vitality. In the social experience dimension, quality rating of attraction resources showed the strongest positive correlation with online vitality (0.438 8), while density of basic service facilities had the strongest positive correlation with offline vitality (0.346 9). (4) Different influencing factors had varying positive and negative effects on online and offline vitality, exhibiting significant spatial heterogeneity. All influencing factors demonstrated both positive and negative impacts on online and offline vitality.


    The research perspective of collaborative analysis of spatial distribution characteristics of online and offline vitality in national parks has the advantages of comprehensive spatial quantification research, and the relevant analysis results provide a scientific basis for the optimization of spatial layout and the overall improvement of vitality of national parks. Relying on the unique features of landscape resources and combining the dissemination effect of online media, the spatial vitality of national parks can be enhanced; infrastructure construction should be strengthened to meet the diverse needs of tourists and fully tap the potential of existing spaces; accurately assess the ecological environment carrying capacity of national parks and encourage reasonable development and utilization of low-vitality areas.

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