

    Comprehensive evaluation and screening of different pollination combinations of chestnut based on different evaluation methods

    • 摘要: 以河北省迁西地区板栗主栽品种燕山早丰'和大板红'为材料,选用燕山地区8 个优良品种(系)进行授粉 试验,通过调查不同授粉组合产量和测定果实品质等指标,并采用直接排序法和平均隶属度法进行评价,筛选最适 授粉组合。结果表明:与对照比较,采用直接排序法对产量和品质进行综合评价,燕山早丰'授粉组合中只有燕 山早丰'迁西15 号'和燕山早丰'大板红'排在对照之前,而大板红'授粉组合中优于对照的有大板红' 迁西14 号'大板红'遵玉'大板红'迁西15 号'大板红'燕龙'大板红'燕山早丰';采用平均 隶属度法对产量和品质进行综合评价,燕山早丰'迁西15 号'燕山早丰'大板红'和燕山早丰'遵 玉'排在对照之前,而大板红'授粉组合排名与直接排序法非常相近。综合分析认为:在迁西地区燕山早丰'的 最适授粉亲本为迁西15 号'和大板红';大板红'的最适授粉亲本为迁西14 号'遵玉'和迁西15 号'。


      Abstract: In order to improve the yield of chestnut in Qianxi County of Hebei Province and select the optimum pollination combinations, eight excellent chestnut varieties were selected as paternal pollinators, two main varieties in Qianxi County as maternal parent. Direct sorting method and subordinate function method were employed to evaluate different pollination combinations based on the investigation of yield and fruit quality. The results indicated that only Yanshanzaofeng' Qianxi15'and Yanshanzaofeng' Dabanhong'ranked higher than that of control among pollination combinations with Yashanzaofeng'as female parent using direct sorting method. Five pollination combinations ranked higher than that of control among pollination combinations with Dabanhong'as female parent. The five pollination combinations were Dabanhong ' Qianxi14 ', Dabanhong ' Zunyu ', Dabanhong ' Qianxi15 ', Dabanhong'Yanlong'and Dabanhong'Yanshanzaofeng', respectively. Using subordinate function method, Yanshanzaofeng ' Qianxi15 ', Yanshanzaofeng ' Dabanhong 'and Yanshanzaofeng'Zunyu'all ranked higher than that of control among pollination combinations with Yashanzaofeng'as female parent. The ranking of pollination combinations with Dabanhong'as female parent was similar to that of using direct sorting method. Through comprehensive analysis, we can conclude that Qianxi15'and Dabanhong', are the best pollination varieties for Yanshanzaofeng'. Qianxi14', Zunyu'and Qianxi15'are the optimum pollination varieties for Dabanhong'.


