为探讨油松林土壤健康经营措施,该文对北京市八达岭低山区油松和灌丛林土壤的发生层厚度、物理性质、有机质和养分状况进行了研究.结果表明:油松林的凋落物层为4.0 cm,高出灌丛林地96.30%;油松林土壤的物理性质如粘粒、总孔隙度以及持水性能低于灌丛,但差异不显著;在0~5 cm的土层中,油松林土壤的pH值低于灌丛0.3个单位,土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾指标分别比灌丛土壤低31.86%、34.38%、22.28%、24.56%和22.86%,其差异均达到显著水平;采用0~5 cm和0~20 cm土层厚度,比较油松和灌丛林土壤肥力指标的差异,所得结果不尽一致.研究认为,油松林能形成较厚的凋落物层,而灌丛植被有利于土壤有机质和养分的积累;在经营油松纯林过程中应保留或补种一些灌木以达到改善林地生产力的效果.
Depth of soil genetic layers,soil physical property,soil organic matter and soil nutrients under Pinus tabulaeformis and shrub forests were studied in order to fix soil health management measures in Badaling lower mountains,Beijing. The results showed that the average thickness of organic horizon under P.tabulaeformis forests was 4.0 cm and 96.30% higher than that under shrubs.The soil physical properties under P.tabulaeformis,such as clay content,soil porosity and water holding capacity,were lower than those under shrubs but without any significant differences.However,in 0-5 cm horizon under P.tabulaeformis forests,soil pH value was more acidic by 0.3 unit than that of shrubs,the content of soil organic matter,total N,hydrolyzable N,available P,and available K decreased respectively by 31.86%,34.38%,22.28%, 24.56% and 22.86% compared with those under shrubs with significant differences(p<0.05).Compared soil properties under P.tabulaeformis with those under shrubs,some differences between 0-5 cm and 0-20 cm horizons were varied.Our data suggest that P.tabulaeformis may develop organic horizon,and shrub could increase soil organic matter and nutrients.To improve the soil productivity,some shrubs should be retained or patched up in management plan for pure P.tabulaeformis forests.