Effects of cultivation models on biomass and leaf nutritive value of tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia
摘要: 通过比较3种栽培模式对四倍体刺槐无性系K5的生物量及叶片营养含量的影响,以及每年刈割1次模式下3个四倍体刺槐无性系与普通刺槐的生物量差异和每年刈割2次模式下3个四倍体刺槐无性系之间的生物量差异,获得了生物量和营养含量最佳结合点的刺槐饲料林适宜栽培模式,达到了充分开发其饲料价值的目的。结果表明:每年刈割2次模式的第2次叶片的粗蛋白含量显著高于其他2种栽培模式(P0.05),且单株叶质量与其他2种栽培模式无显著差异;每年刈割1次模式下四倍体刺槐无性系K2的单株总质量和叶质量均显著高于无性系K4和K5及普通刺槐(P0.05);每年刈割2次栽培模式下无性系K2的单株总质量和叶质量显著高于无性系K4(P0.05)。综合考虑叶片生物量和营养,四倍体刺槐无性系K2表现最好,且定植当年不刈割,第2年开始每年刈割2次(春天不平茬,6月初和8月底刈割)的栽培模式最佳。Abstract: High biomass and leaf nutritive value of Robinia pseudoacacia can both be got from a feasible cultivation model, which can make the best use of forage forest. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the impact of three cultivation models on biomass and leaf nutrition in tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K5, compare the biomass among three clones of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia and one diploid R. pseudoacacia under the cultivation model of harvesting one time per year, and compare the biomass among three clones of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia under the cultivation model of harvesting two times per year. Results indicated that crude protein in leaves from the second harvest of harvesting two times per year was significantly higher (P0.05) than that from the other two cultivation models, while there were no significant differences in leaf weight per plant among these three cultivation models. Gross weight and leaf weight per plant of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K2 were significant higher than those of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K4, K5 and diploid R. pseudoacacia under the cultivation model of harvesting one time per year, and they also were higher than those of tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K4 under the cultivation model of harvesting two times per year. Considering leaf biomass and leaf nutrition, tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K2 was better than tetraploid R. pseudoacacia clone K4, K5 and diploid R. pseudoacacia for forage forest, and its suitable cultivation model should be harvesting from second year after planting and harvesting two times per year (harvesting in early June and late August while no cutting in spring).
- Robinia pseudoacacia /
- forage forest /
- biomass /
- leaf nutrition /
- harvesting frequency
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